Wednesday, July 23, 2008

AALL Updates

Greetings LLNE Members! Here are few AALL updates from the conference....

The vendor floor was very busy and I checked out the LLNE table and it looked great (thanks Diane for creation and Kathy and Christine for setting it up!)

SNELLA/LLNE had a lunch where Kathy Fletcher passed over the reigns to Chris Knott as new President of LLNE (see below). He received the ceremonial duck and a brand new crown. Michale Hughes announced the new candidates for the Executive Board and they were all approved.
In social news, the NELLCO recpetion was great. It was at the Uptown Billards Club in NW Portland. Tracy made an announcement about the Federated Search and schools were continuing to sign up. The club featured pool tables, dart boards, and ping pong. Everyone had a good time. The funny thing was that the lounge had pictures of books all along the walls. (See pic below - Karen Quin and Raquel Ortiz and the book background) Many commented it felt like home!


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